$.effect('kind of effects', {options}, speed in mili', function(){ alert('Callback Function') })
1. Bounce:
a. distance: 20 or whatever the number
b. direction: up, down, left or right
c. times: 5 or whatever you want how many times the effect runs
2. Blind: Menghilang
a. direction: vertical or horizontal
3. Clip: Menyempit Then Menghilang
a. direction: vertical or horizontal
4. Drop: Fade Then Menghilang
a. direction: left, right, up, down
5. Explode: No Options
6. Fade: No Options
7. Fold: Up Then Left The Vanish
a. size: 5 or whatever you want the top pixel before lefted.
8. Highlight: No Option: Glow Then back to the origin
9. Puff: No Options: Get Bigger Then Vanish
10. Pulsate: Flip Flop. Not Vanish
a. times: 5 or whatever the number to flip
11. Scale: Growing or Smalling
a. percent: 0 or whatever you want
b. direction: both, horizontal, or vertical
12. Shake: Back And Forth Moving
a. direction: left, up, right, or down
b. distance: 20 or whatever how many pixels in swing
c. times: 3 or whatever how many times the moving body
13. Size: Growing Or Smalling the dimension
a. to:{ width: '100', height: '100'}
b. restore: true or false
14. Slide: Showing The Appearance
a. direction: left, up, right, or down
15. Transfer: Showing the border
a. to: '#satu' or whatever identifier
b. className: the name of the class when the animation runs.
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